New website to assist tyre buyers

One of the most overlooked areas on a car are tyres – our only contact with the road and at times put under enormous stress –rarely checked for correct pressure and punished on all types of surface. Finding the right tyre for the right car and conditions is not always easy however a new website gives consumers a different way to research tyres. TyreReview is developing a database of reviews, created by Australian drivers using Australian delivered products on our roads. Tyre manufacturers have granted the new website detailed tyre data on 27,000 vehicles going back to 1990.
Created by a bunch of car nuts from an independent Tasmanian tech startup company the concept is designed to provide the motorist with a more educated decision when buying tyres. Importantly, is encouraging Aussie drivers the opportunity to review their tyres on the website and contribute to its data base. Doing so could win you a set of BF Goodrich tyres worth $1,500. And for every genuine review is donating a $ to Variety the Children’s Charity. According to Chris Podesta, a Tyre Review Director, the new website will give motorists access to a new depth of information. Where drivers can read reviews of the tyres used on the exact same model of vehicle they drive, to see what they’ve rated as top value, the best on-road, off road whatever your interest area is’. Importantly, can only lead to a safer tyre purchase.
I’m David Berthon
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