Long weekend road safety tips

A long weekend and we try to make the most of three days leisure time – you’ve heard me talk about fatigue before but it’s one of the major killers – in fact it accounts for 20 -30 per cent of all road deaths. Importantly, you’re four times more likely to have a fatal fatigue- related crash between the hours of 10pm and dawn. So make good use of the more than 80- community manned driver-reviver sites around the state. On top of that I can’t emphasize enough the need to have consistent tyre pressure – this is the most overlooked item on cars today and with a full load of family and luggage correct tyre pressures make a huge difference to the way your car performs – more so in an emergency. So spend a few minutes and check you tyres before your head off on that long journey. And with 30 per cent of all fatal crashes occurring during public and school holiday periods double demerit points are more than justified.
I’m David Berthon
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