WATCH | Ray’s granddaughter finally says what we’ve all been waiting for

Ray Hadley’s granddaughter has finally said the words we’ve long been waiting for.
Ray says he’s been working on getting Ava to say “pop” for the last three months since she started saying ‘mumma’ and ‘dadda’, but with no success.
Over the weekend little Ava finally said “Pop” for the first time.
“I was with her very early on Sunday morning…she was in a little walker following me around on the floor and every now and then I’d look down and say ‘pop, pop, pop, pop, pop’,” says Ray.
“Not a crumb, not one word.”
Excitedly on Sunday afternoon, Ray’s daughter sent him a video with Ava uttering the words he had been hoping for.
Click PLAY below to watch the video
“I’m claiming it – sounds like a ‘Pop’ to me!” says Ray.
“I’m as happy as you can be.”
Click PLAY below to hear Ray tell the story of how he found out.