Global diabetes epidemic getting worse

Diabetes is the global epidemic causing death and destruction worldwide, and it’s spreading at an alarming rate.
November 14 marks World Diabetes Day aimed at keeping diabetes firmly in the public and political spotlight.
Doctor Nick Fuller joined 2GB Breakfast host Alan Jones in studio, sharing some frightening statistics.
- 1.7 million Australians have diabetes. 500,000 of which don’t know it.
- 280 Australians develop diabetes every day, one every 5 minutes.
- It costs an estimated $15-billion a year. That will double to by 2025.
- 422 million adults have the disease worldwide, 400% more than in 1980.
- One person dies from the disease every 7 seconds.
Type Two diabetes is most common of the three types.
Dr Fuller, author of Interval Weight Loss, says it’s completely avoidable.
“By making simple lifestyle changes we can prevent yup to 60% of Type 2 diabetes.”
“70 percent of the population are not meeting the basic exercise requirements.”
“With diet, there’s no quick fix. We tend to rely on convenient foods.”