Key Victorian government figures face Hotel Inquiry recall
Edward O’Donohue, Shadow Attorney General & Liberal state member for Eastern Victoria Region, joins Luke Grant following yesterday’s extraordinary hearing at the Hotel Quarantine Inquiry that could see a number of senior Victorian public servants forced to reappear.
Key government witnesses including Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton and Department of Health & Human Services secretary Kym Peake look set to be re-examined by the hotel quarantine injury as the board tries to unravel misleading and incomplete evidence.
Evidence tendered yesterday shows that Professor Sutton was involved in an email trail which discusses private security, months before he told the inquiry he first became aware private was being used by the hotels. The Professor conceded he was involved in the emails, but “didn’t register” the mention of private security.
Other senior government figures remaining of interest include former Department Premier & Cabinet Secretary Chris Eccles and former health Minister Jenny Mikakos, who urged the board to disregard Premier Daniel Andrews’ evidence about private security.
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