This doctor came to Australia with nothing, now he’s saving rural communities

This story is worth telling for two reasons.
“Firstly you’re saving lives… the second reason is, you arrived here from India as a boy and your family had nothing, now you’re giving something back,” says Alan Jones.
Dr Rolf Gomes came to Australia from Calcutta with his family when he was just 10-years-old, all they had was $200. Now he delivers fortnightly medical investigation treatment clinics to regional, rural and remote communities.
From Brisbane, Dr Gomes is the founder of Heart of Australia, an organisation which brings specialists and diagnostic equipment to Australians affected by the “tyranny of distance”.
He tells Alan, “we have a very small but committed team of staff”.
The equipment and specialists travel on the Heart Bus, (pictured above) which travels more than 8,000km each month to make the treatment clinics accessible.
Listen to the full interview below
For more information on Heart of Australia, click here.
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