Philip Ruddock’s review into religious freedoms: Will safeguards be strengthened?
Philip Ruddock’s review into religious freedoms has wrapped up, with the recommendations yet to be disclosed to the public.
The Australian’s Michael Sexton is wondering whether stronger religious protections and exemptions will result from the review, with the Israel Folau saga causing concern about the fragility of freedom of speech.
“He’s an example of churches expressing a view that causes a problem under much of the legislation we have in Australia. It makes communicating material that is offensive and insulting illegal,” says Mr Sexton.
“In the course of robust political debate, some people will on occasions be offended. The problem is, at the moment, they are able to bring legal proceedings under these pieces of legislation.”
“Should people be allowed to put forward a view, even though many members of the community would disagree with it and some would find it offensive?”
It is anticipated that the Ruddock inquiry will deal with the issue.
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