“It’s Marxist propaganda”: Cory Bernardi slams Bill Shorten’s openness to Safe Schools revival
Earlier this week, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten left the door open for a potential revival of the controversial Safe Schools Program, refusing to rule out a reintroduction of the scheme.
The suggestion comes as the program reaches near saturation levels in Victoria, with Deputy Premier James Merlino revealing 98% of Victorian high schools have adopted the curriculum.
Australian Conservative’s leader Cory Bernardi is critical on both fronts.
“Never has there been a more misnamed program in the history of government objectives. It’s not about anti-bullying,” says Mr Bernardi.
“It’s Marxist propaganda. It’s conditioning kids into accepting or even experimenting with a same-sex attraction. It paints as a homophobe, abnormal or a bigot anyone who wants to stick up for tradition values and the reality that there are only two genders.”
With the program a Trojan Horse for gender fluidity advocates, Mr Bernardi is concerned about the ramifications that may flow from the program, which has been scrapped in NSW and South Australia.
“Their suspending science in favour of a social experiment, which I think will be very, very destructive.”
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