Australia’s rising road toll again in the spotlight

Australia’s rising road toll is again in the spotlight. According to the Australian
Automobile Association the Federal Governments National Road Safety Strategy
which aims to reduce road deaths by 50 per cent by 2030 compared to 2018 levels
is unlikely to be met. Road fatalities in Australia tallied 1187 last year, rising for a
third straight year, casting doubt on the ever-increasing number of speed
cameras and their effectiveness in reducing the road toll. Quite clearly, targeting
motorists at speeds up to 10km/hour over the limit in metropolitan areas has
failed to make any impact, with most deaths occurring in regional areas and on
the open road. AAA Managing Director Michael Bradley has rightly criticised state
governments for their lack of transparency around the real causes of fatal
crashes, saying a more honest approach would lead to a more effective road
safety policy.
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