Exclusive: Major contraband bust at Parklea Jail

Prison guards have seized drugs, mobile phones and other contraband during a major bust at Parklea Correctional Centre.
Corrective Services NSW and the prison’s new private operator, MTC-Broadspectrum, conducted a joint search of the minimum-security area on Wednesday.
“We will not tolerate contraband at Parklea and will continue to ensure that we run a safe and secure prison,” says a jail spokesperson.
During the operations, officers and contraband-detection dogs found:
• 10 mobile phones
• One smart watch
• 12.4g of suspected methamphetamine
• 60 tablets/pills
• 29 syringes
• 44.2g of suspected cannabis
• 1300g of suspected tobacco
One inmate has been transferred to the maximum-security section of the prison, and another inmate has been placed in segregation.
NSW Police has been notified and will investigate with a view to lay charges.
For years, Ray Hadley revealed repeated mismanagement at Parklea Prison, by the former private operators, GEO Group.
Corrective Services NSW Assistant Commissioner Carlo Scasserra says this is proof the operators are taking “a zero-tolerance approach to contraband”.
“Combatting the introduction of phones and other illegal items is a top priority, and the new operator continues to invest extensively in counter-contraband technology.”
“Inmates with contraband and those who seek to introduce it to Parklea Correctional Centre will face prosecution.”